Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Recuperar a senha do usuário weblogic

1. Pare seu servidor weblogic usando os comandos abaixo:
$ cd MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/seu_dominio/bin
$ ./stopWebLogic.sh

2. Execute o script setDomainEnv.sh:
$ cd MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/seu_dominio/bin
$ . ./setDomainEnv.sh

3. Vá até o diretorio "security" para mudarmos a senha. Execute os comandos:
$ cd MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/seu_dominio/security
$ java weblogic.security.utils.AdminAccount adminuser1 welcome1 .

Obs1: Não esqueça ponto no final "."

4. Delete o arquivo abaixo no diretorio "ldap":
$ cd MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/seu_dominio/servers/AdminServer/data/ldap
$ rm DefaultAuthenticatormyrealmInit.initialized

5. Inicie o servidor WLS usando o usuario "adminuser1". Remova o boot.properties antes.
$ cd
$ ./startWebLogic.sh
Enter username to boot WebLogic server: adminuser1
Enter password to boot WebLogic server: welcome1

6. Logue  no /console com o usuário - "adminuser1" (e não "weblogic")

7. Em 'Security Realms', voce poder ver dois usuários administrativos 'adminuser1' and 'weblogic', então é so alterar a senha do usuário 'weblogic'.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

SOA Suite Operational metrics not displaying in OEM Console

  Problem: 'Average time response' displays as zero. See image below.

Image: Soa suite error

Solution:  Open the "setDomainEnv.sh" from your domain "bin" folder and search for the "PRE_CLASSPATH" string, and put "FMW_HOME\wls1031\Oracle_SOA1\modules\oracle.jps_11.1.1\jps-wls.jar" as first jar there.

Special Thanks to my work colleague Rui Queiroz!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Iron Man 2 and Oracle Application Grid

Just saw Iron Man 2 movie and for my surprise Stark Network was using Oracle Application Grid. Earlier in this same day I was invited to participate in Oracle Application Grid Beta Certification (1Z0-523), in my studies I watched CERN Video called "The Grid". Later that day when I saw Iron Man 2 movie, I noticed in Stark Expo that the globe in the center of the city with some wires was similar to the globe in CERN Video. See image 'the grid' below and the watch the movie...

                                                                          [the grid]

More links Iron Man 2 & Oracle:
Iron Man 2 - Oracle Marketing Campaign Commercial
Oracle & Marvel
Iron Man 2 & Oracle Software/Hardware Complete
Oracle Application Grid
Oracle Application Grid Certification (1Z0-523)

Friday, February 19, 2010

When configuring UDDI properties in SOA Suite Server leave user/pass empty

For those who read the Edwin blog, but don’t read the comments.
I read the Edwin Biemond blog post  Using Oracle Service Registry in Soa Suite 11g and followed all the steps described there to configure SOA Suite 11g and OSR. I followed the step below (described in biemond blog)
When I tested the service, I got in soa-server console an authorization error saying that admin doesn’t have the permissions to query UDDI. Reading the comments in Edwin Blog I found out that I need to leave the user and password field empty. That’s work and I got no more errors.
**Tip: When configuring UDDI Registry Properties leave “user/password” empty

Friday, January 8, 2010

Encriptar usuario/senha Weblogic boot.properties

Vá para o diretorio bin do seu dominio weblogic:

1)Execute -> setDomainEnv.cmd
2)Execute -> java weblogic.security.Encrypt meuUsuario ou minhaSenha

Depois só copiar e colar no arquivo boot.properties que normalmente fica na raiz de seu dominio ou no caso de uma dominio SOA do SOA SUITE 11g pasta %ORACLE_DOMAIN%\servers\soa_server1\security

# Boot.properties